What On Earth Are We Doing? Part 1


Roger Hamilton

Marcia Martin

Lynne Twist

What on Earth are we doing? … It’s the question that needs to be asked now more than ever, and it has the attention of some of the most influential people on the planet.

After pledging $3Billion to find new ways to become more sustainable, Richard Branson said this …

“… the Earth cannot wait 60 years. We need everybody capable of discovering an answer to put their minds to it today.”

Even if you agree with that statement (which most thoughtful people do), where do we go to put our minds to this overwhelming task?

This event is the beginning of many answers.

It has been put together by some of the most powerful, connected and transformational leaders on the planet.

Join international speaking sensations Lynn Twist, Roger Hamilton and Marcia Martin as they discuss powerful ways we can change the world.

Part One | This event begins with the Awaken the Dreamer Symposium

Consider our planet, consider her people, consider her natural resources, consider your involvement…

Where are we?
How did we get here?
What’s possible for the future?
Where do we go from here?

These are the questions that must be answered as humanity faces the real issues of our time, environmental degradation, increasing social injustice and a gnawing sense of dissatisfaction in the world we are creating.

What will it take for us to create a world that is environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling and socially just? …

The “Awaken The Dreamer” Symposium is a powerful experience that addresses this question.

“Every single one of us can do something to make a difference.”
Desmond Tutu, Nobel Prize Laureate

Resounding opportunities for change will be seen as an achievable possibility

You’ll see that environmental sustainability, spiritual fulfillment and social justice rather than being three separate issues are actually facets of one profoundly interconnected whole.

“There is another super-power hidden here on earth. It is an unnamed movement, it is a far different & bigger & more unique than anything we have ever seen.”
Paul Hawken, Bioneers Conference

Working together to make the shift …

This event was created by some of the most influential people on the planet who have worked side by side with people most effected by the issues we face. As it rolls out across cities around the world people are experiencing a renewed sense of empowerment to make changes that can shift humanity.

This event is changing the world by changing the dream of the developed world.

The experience of the symposium from a few past participants …

“In a few short hours, a world that I thought was a complete mess that I could do nothing about – I now see as ripe with opportunities where I can actually make a difference.”
Zoe Tryon, Symposium participant

“I was not expecting the effect that this symposium had on me. I expected to be engaged and interested, but today I feel as if my life is on a different course. This has effected me profoundly.”
J Concord, Symposium participant

The ‘Awaken The Dreamer’ Symposium asked these four questions…

  • Where are we?
  • How did we get here?

  • What’s possible for the future?
  • Where do we go from here?

…and presented some astounding answers.

“In a few short hours, a world that I thought was a complete mess that I could do nothing about. I now see as ripe with opportunities where I can actually make a difference.” Zoe Tryon, Symposium participant

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